Young people are an important group within our parish family. We seek to provide space for our young people to ask the big questions in life and to grow spiritually. We take seriously to heart the words of Jesus concerning young people and how they have so much to teach us about faith. (Matthew 18:3 & Luke 10:21)
As a parish we aim to provide worship that is appropriate to all ages and yet we recognise that each age group has its own distinctive and creative needs, insights and contribution to make to the family of God.
We provide activity sheets for our younger worshippers each Sunday. These activity sheets relate to the Bible reading of the day and also provide an opportunity to continue this during the week with a prayer to say each day and further activities to make the connection with daily life outside formal Sunday worship.
Confirmation Group
Most years the parish provides a Confirmation Preparation Programme for those who wish to be presented to the Bishop for Confirmation. This is a 12 week programme of growth and reflection for young Christians. It is co-ordinated by the rector in conjunction with others. In addition to the preparation sessions the young people are supported prayerfully by the whole parish community and this is most visibly the case on several Sundays leading up to the service itself when the parish family offers love, support and the promise to be faith friends.
Table Tennis Club
Table Tennis Club runs each year from September to April. It is normally every second Tuesday evening from 7.30 pm in the Parish Room. 5th and 6th Class’s together with older teens are very welcome. If Adults would like to play after 8.30pm they are most welcome.
As always we always welcome new leaders (with Safeguarding Trust Training).
For more details contact the Rectory: 021 4831236